Panda Disco Dance Party

Remember going to disco themed parties/real disco parties? Better yet, remember going to anything?
We really miss dressing in bright neon colors and getting groovy on the dance floor, don’t you?
Let us help bring the disco party into your home and break down three simple dance moves for you that we Pandas have mastered. Since all lessons are online right now anyways, take this as a free guide and try to follow along. Don’t worry, there will be lots of snacking along the way, because physical work and your beloved gummies just go paw in paw.
Here we go!
1. The Panda Walk
Like Michael’s MoonWalk, but a bit heavier in the heels. Left paws, Right paws, Gummy. Left Paws, Right Paws, Gummy. You got this.
2. Thriller Panda
Another Michael Jackson spin off. Hip check to the right, hip check to the left. Sway side-side like this on repeat with your hands in the air, dropping gummies into your mouth as you do it. So, so sweet.
3. The Running Panda
This one’s a bit tough with coordination at first, but you’ll get the hang of it. Left paw slides back, right paw slides forward. Right paw slides back, Left paw slides forwards. Try it a few times.
Once you get a hold of the sequence, start throwing gummies in the air at the same time and catching them with your mouth. Simple!
Keep practicing this awesome sequence and show it off to your buddies once we get to dance with our friends again. Feel free to stuff your face with your favorite gummies while you're at it! And remember it’s ok to sweat, just don’t sweat the sweet stuff ;)
If you’re looking for some good tunes to listen to while practicing these moves, check out our playlist here.